17th Annual Awards and Gala Dinner Event Amazingly Celebrated by Heritage Beyond Borders on 16th November 2024

The founder and President of HBB, Mr Neel Nanda said that they have tried to build more tolerance, diversity and inclusively among all communities of Canada along with the enjoyment of the event like a festival together.
Heritage Beyond Borders is a cultural foundation, who has been hosting a Multicultural Gala Dinner and Miss Heritage Canada selection competition every year in Ontario, Canada for the last 16 years. Last year the 16th Anniversary Annual Awards and Gala Dinner with Live Multicultural Entertainment was held on 18th November 2023 at Woodbine Banquet Hall and Convention Center. This year, the 17th Annual Award and Gala Dinner with Live Multicultural Entertainment was held on 16th November 2024 in Woodbine Banquet Hall in Ontario, Canada. It is a very prestigious event and the goal was to establish Canada as the world’s most culturally diversified nation, which encourages the integration, harmony and multiculture of different countries in front of the people in the world. The event was held to showcase talent and cultural diversity. So, the slogan of this event is “one heritage, one world”. The main aim of this event is to carry a highly rich traditional culture that satisfies people for a better life and helps to spread endearment and respect to each nation to others through their nation’s tradition along with cultural talent. All over, people come to participate and remain a witness to a beautiful evening. Models cum participants from different countries (India, Ukraine, Ghana, Canada, France, Kenya etc.) participated in this year like previous years.
This gala annual awards function is not only a platform where participants from different countries perform auspicious performances like dances, music, live concerts, and arts, but also a beauty contest is arranged. This evening was a witness of multicultural diversity. As the event was very rich, fabulous and very prestigious, it seemed that Ontario holds a unity in diversity and it is an agglomeration of the world’s talent. HBB played a vital role in searching for the best performances all over the world and honoured properly to the deserving performers accordingly. A grand dinner was held there in the annual awards programme as a part of the multicultural programme. The contestant’s outstanding performances make them unique. Moreover, this program selects Miss Heritage Canada every year besides the cultural events. Along with cultural activities, some other community awards are given like Community Impact, Educator of the Year, Community Service Development, Social Impact Diversity, Community Engagement Award etc.
Sheref Sabawy, MPP (Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Citizenship & Multiculturalism) has expressed his gratitude and its importance to conveying cultural talents to gain respect from others and helping to build communication between different communities. He gave a message about the grand arrangement and its success.
Shantanu Banerjee, Editor in chief, said this year’s event was held like previous years i.e., such a really beautiful event that successfully arranged to communicate different cultures here on this platform. His message was that the physical barrier can cross the margin through the culture and reach to the heart of the world’s people.
Suzy Tamasy, an HBB Core Committee member, said that HBB plays a significant role in constructing the multicultural empowerment of women. So, it is not only just a pageant, it helps women to reach towards more empowerment. So, these types of support are needed more.
Samantha Clemente, Miss Heritage Canada 2023, shared her experiences with gratitude about the competition and expressed about the cleanliness of the competition.
At last, the founder and President of HBB, Mr Neel Nanda said that they have tried to build more tolerance, diversity and inclusively among all communities of Canada along with the enjoyment of the event like a festival together.