Millions of Canadians Will Receive Carbon Tax Rebates Starting Today
Around 12 million Canadians will be paid an amount of $2.3 billion (approx.) by direct deposit (81%) and 19% by cheque for federal carbon-tax rebates. Whether they realize it or not, every tax-filing adult households in the eight provinces (Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador) will receive this payment as their quarterly payments include the federal carbon tax under it. The rebate range applicable for households will depend on the sizes and locations of households- a single adult residing at Prince Edward Island will receive only $120 quarterly, while a household of 4 adult members living in rural Alberta will get $425.
However, many Canadians eligible to get federal carbon-tax rebates do not believe in it. They don’t think that they will receive the payment as per the survey conducted and report revealed by the Angus Reid Institute.
Why do many Canadians not believe in getting carbon tax rebates?
As per experts’ opinions these people are either not involved in income tax filing or not noticing the money when reflecting or hitting their accounts. Some might be mistaking it for other government payments.
Married persons or persons living with common-law partners mistaking it as the rebates are going to their spouses’ accounts. Their spouses are receiving the funds and their partners do not know about these.
Shachi Kurl, president of the Angus Reid Institute pointed to the failure of retail political communication on behalf of the federal Liberal government. The reason behind it, he says “a failure at the most basic level of retail political communication”.
According to Kurl, carbon pricing policy and rebate rules applicable to it are complex. However, the reality is that people are getting a considerable amount from the government every three months.